高空眺望 |
发帖:2131 |
等级:初出茅庐 |
积分:2248 |
注册:2008/8/24 |
纽约另一处必看的博物馆是现代艺术博物馆,Museum of Modern Art,简称MOMA,位于53街,第5大道和第6大道之间。里面有n多近现代艺术作品,特别是印象派的画作,最出名的要算是凡高的星夜了,还有毕加索和马蒂斯的作品。 这是博物馆里对星夜的说明: "This morning I saw the country from my window a long time before sunrise," the artist wrote to his brother Theo, "with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big." Rooted in imagination and memory, The Starry Night embodies an inner, subjective expression of van Gogh’s response to nature. In thick sweeping brushstrokes, a flamelike cypress unites the churning sky and the quiet village below. The village was partly invented, and the church spire evokes van Gogh’s native land, the Netherlands. 其实有了互联网的帮助,足不出户也可以神游这些著名的博物馆了。下面是MOMA的网址。可惜的是它还没有中文说明,日文和韩文却都有。其实去纽约的中国人并不少,但是一到这些博物馆里就寥寥无几了。 http://www.moma.org