西昌的邛海,是孕育邛都文化的摇篮;西昌的泸山,以松、风、水、月的大自然雅趣和佛道儒三教共一山的宗教文化奇观传著于世。中国四大碑林之一的西昌地震碑林记载着数百年地理运动的传奇信息,凉山彝族奴隶社会博物馆解读着一个民族一步跨千年的历史惊叹。自古与西子、峨嵋齐名的螺髻山,冰川刻槽、高原湖泊、杜鹃花海、生物群落、温泉瀑布无不在她薄雾轻纱的帷幔之间展露出绰约风姿。 代武后"西昌,融浓郁民族风情和秀美湖光山色为一体的 "御寒避暑胜地,休闲度假天堂
九点连锁酒店是以国际化、艺术化、连锁化定位的特色商务型酒店。首期投资八千多万建成的两家直营店于2006年、2007年底正式运营,并以其五星级的艺术理念、四星级的寝具配套、三星级的服务、二星级的价格、一星级的装修价位,构成自身具有差异化和核心竞争力的连锁酒店形态。九点酒店通过独特的装饰、家具、灯光效果营造出充满艺术气息的环境。同时还以高品质的服务标准、快捷、经济的管理运行方式,使每位入住九点的客人都感到物超所值。 hotel, Nine Point Hotel now has two directly operated hotel invested invested with over 80 million yuan and launched in 2006 and 2007. The hotels differentiate themselves and build their competitive edges with an aesthetic décor of 5-star criteria, bedroom items of 4-star criteria, services of 3-star criteria and price of 2-star standard. Nine Point Hotel creates an environment of artistic atmosphere with unique decoration, furniture and lighting effects, while in the mean while offer services of premium quality, as well as efficient and economic operation and management, to make every customer enjoy his/her money’s worth.
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