没什么特别的景点,只是不喜欢坐从里斯本=>塞维利亚的夜车,选择了这个中转站 * 阿尔卡萨巴城堡Alcazaba, * 考古博物馆Museo Arqueologico,免费 * 凯旋门Puerta de Palmas
1、Ovando Palace:Renaissance palace reformed in the 18th century.open access.
2、Santiago Church:免费开放,周一到周六19.30,周日11.00-13.00。
3、Santa Maria Church-Procathedral:免费开放,周一到周六10.00-14.00,17.00-20.00,周日9.30-14.00,17.00-19.30。
4、风向标之尾Casa de las Veletas House:建于摩尔人城堡旧址上的巴洛克宫殿,其地下室有座带拱门的巨型蓄水池,看似洪水淹没中的清真寺。现为卡塞雷斯省博物馆,门票1.5欧,开放时间6月1日到9月30日,周二到周六,9.30-14.30,17.00-18.30,周日10.00-14.00,10月1日到5月31日,9.30- 14.30,16.00-19.15,周一关闭。
5、Defensive walls and Cristo Arch
6、Compania de Jesus Cathedral:The convent was built in the 18th century in a Baroque style with clear Churrigueresque influences.免费开放,每天11.00-14.00,17.30-20.30。
7、Casa de Las Ciguenas House:This stately home is renowned for its crenellated(锯齿状的) tower, which was built in the 15th century.内有临时展览,免费开放。
8、San Mateo Church:免费开放,周一到周六20.00,周日11.00-13.00,20.00。
9、Bujaco Tower:免费开放,周二到周日10.00-14.00,17.30-20.30,周一关闭。
10、Caceres Plaza Mayor Square:This is one of the largest squares in Spain.
穷游贻贝心得:卡塞雷斯的新城比我们想像的要大且繁华热闹。到达那里的时候正是傍晚时分,街心花园里都是三两成群的居民,好一副安居乐业的景象。我们在酒店 check in以后马上就去了老城。以前一直觉得正如这里很多朋友所说的,萨拉曼卡是一座黄金之城,夕阳下整个城市泛着金色的光芒。到了卡塞雷斯才发现,这里的金色更加耀目。老城里静谧极了,几乎没有什么游客,随处逛逛,都会有不经意的收获。对了,还有欢鸟,也是卡塞雷斯的一景,呵呵。老城不大,2个小时就能全部逛完。所以不必心急,慢慢体会小镇的美妙吧!
1、罗马艺术国家博物馆Merida National Museum of Roman Art:门票2.4欧,开放时间2月15日到11月30日,周二到周六10.00-14.00,16.00-21.00,12月1日到2月14日, 10.00-14.00,16.00-18.00,周日10.00-14.00,周一关闭。
2、罗马蓄水池Prosperita Roman Reservoir:It is about 5km from the city of Merida,open access.
3、Santa Eulalia Chapel:This chapel has remains of the Roman temple dedicated to the God Mars.Open access.
4、Santa Eulalia Basilica:The basilica of the reconquest is built on the site of the 4th century basilica destroyed by the Almohads. The present construction is Romanesque. (1)开放时间:for the Visitor Centre and Crypt of the Santa Eulalia Basilica-6月1日到9月30日,每天10.00-13.45,17.00-19.15;10月1日到5月31日,10.00-13.45, 16.00-18.15; for Santa Eulalia Basilica-6月1日到9月30日,周一到周六9.30,20.30,周日9.30,11.30,20.30;10月1日到5月31日,周一到周六9.30,19.30,周日9.30,11.30,19.30。 (2)门票:可用联票;Admission to Visitor Centre and Santa Eulalia Crypt——2.8欧。
5、Merida Fortress:可用联票,单独门票3.5欧,开放时间6月1日到9月30日,每天9.30-13.45,17.00-19.15;10月1日到5月31日,9.30-13.45,16.00-18.15。
6、古罗马剧院Roman Theatre in Merida:The theatre was built in order to provide the spectators with the best acoustic resonance(声音的回响).可用联票,单独购票6.5欧;开放时间: 7月1日到9月15日,9.30-13.45,16.00-19.15,9月16日到6月30日,9.30-13.45,16.00-18.15。
7、瓜地亚那桥Puente de Guadiana:It is one of Spain's largest Roman bridges measuring 792 metres long.open access.
8、Los Columbarios Funeral Site:They are two open cremation(火葬) tombs belonging to two important families: the Voconios and the Julios. They lie in the Roman necropolis in the south east。可用联票,单独购票4欧,开放时间:6月1日到9月30日,每天9.30-13.45,17.00-19.15;10月1日到5月31日, 9.30-13.45,16.00-18.15。
9、Casa del Mitreo House:This was a large Roman house belonging to an important family. Together with the house, remains related to the cult of Mitra were found and this is where its name comes from.The house in general is extraordinarily beautiful.可用联票;单独购票4欧,开放时间:6月1日到9月30日,每天9.30-13.45,17.00-19.15,10月1日到5月 31日,9.30-13.45,16.00-18.15。
10、Roman Bridge over the Albarregas River:It was constructed during the period of Augustus and is the smaller of those in Merida.open access.
11、狄安娜神庙Temple to Diana:open access。An enormous building that is probably one of the most majestic of those in Roman Merida.
12、Amphitheatre House:They lie next to the amphitheatre and in reality the ruins are made up of two houses, a section of the San Lazaro aqueduct and a decanting tower. 可用联票,单独购票3.5欧,开放时间:6月1日到9月30日,每天9.30-13.45,17.00-19.15,10月1日到5月31日,9.30-13.45,16.00-18.15。
13、San Juan de Dios Hospital:It is a very interesting building as its church has an octagonal plan with large vaulted niches which can be used as altars.Visits by prior appointment. Phone +34 924383000。Free admission.
14、Merida Amphitheatre:可用联票,单独购票,6.5欧,开放时间,7月1日到9月15日,9.30-19.15,9月16日到6月30日,9.30-13.45,16.00-18.15。
15、Merida Circus:It was used as a chariot racing venue, and according to an inscription it was subsequently used and equipped for naval games.类似马西莫竞技场,可用联票,单独购票3.5欧,开放时间6月1日到9月30日,每天9.30-13.45,7.00-19.15,10月1 日到5月31日,9.30-13.45,16.00-18.15。
以上景点介绍摘自穷游贻贝 |